The Confederation wants a minimum wage rise mechanism first

The ratification of the Convention Nr. 131 should be postponed, the employers insist.

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and other employers‘ associations have refused a proposal to ratify the International Labour Organization Minimum Wage Fixing Convention at the tripartite meeting on Monday 14th November. The main reason for postponing the ratification of the Convention Nr. 131 is that there should be set a mechanism for minimum wage rise first. The minimum wage level could be thus predictable as the employers have been pointing out during this year‘s discussions on the minimum wage threshhold.

„We will give our support to the ratification when we know the mechanism for minimum wage fixing in the Czech Republic,“ the Confederation’s vice-president Jan Rafaj said.

The Convention’s mission should be to guarantee the minimum wage standard in the developing countries primarily. Most EU countries have not yet ratified the convention, among others the Visagrad countries, Germany, the Nordic countries, Austria or Belgium.

The Czech Republic proposes, after a long time, the ratification of three conventions. In addition to the Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, it is the Convention Nr. 154 on Maternity Protection (2000) and the Convention Nr. 154 on Collective Bargaining Promotion (1981). The Confederation of Industry has no objections against the ratification of both these conventions.

Radim Klekner
section International Organizations