BorsodChem MCHZ, s.r.o.

Součástí maďarské korporace BorsodChem a zároveň členem čínské skupiny Wanhua Group.
Chemická 2039/1
Mariánské Hory
709 00 Ostrava
49.8347008N, 18.2322494E
Mariánské Hory
709 00 Ostrava
49.8347008N, 18.2322494E
Reg. ID: 26019388
VAT ID: CZ26019388
VAT ID: CZ26019388
Membership Of Association
Association of Chemical Industry
Classification CZ-NACE
- 2014 Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals
- 2011 Manufacture of industrial gases
- 2562 Machining
- 2572 Manufacture of locks and hinges
- 261 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
- 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
- 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
- 4120 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
- 4321 Electrical installation
- 4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
- 4941 Freight transport by road
- 6920 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
- 711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- 7120 Technical testing and analysis
- 952 Repair of personal and household goods
- 9601 Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products
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