Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i.

Líšeňská 2657/33a
636 00 Brno
49.1971817N, 16.6609747E
636 00 Brno
49.1971817N, 16.6609747E
Reg. ID: 44994575
VAT ID: CZ44994575
VAT ID: CZ44994575
Membership Of Association
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Classification CZ-NACE
- 69200 Účetnické a auditorské činnosti; daňové poradenství
- 86909 Ostatní činnosti související se zdravotní péčí j. n.
- 8559 Other education n.e.c.
- 731 Advertising
- 7219 Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- 7120 Technical testing and analysis
- 711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- 620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- 581 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
More information available only to members of Confederation
If the shown information are not up-to-date, please, contact the member database administrator using e-mail at: lcechova@spcr.cz