Palackého 644
388 01 Blatná
49°25'45.947"N, 13°52'51.398"E
388 01 Blatná
49°25'45.947"N, 13°52'51.398"E
Reg. ID: 00375306
VAT ID: CZ00375306
VAT ID: CZ00375306
Membership Of Association
Automotive Industry Association - AIA CR
Classification CZ-NACE
- 2931 Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles
- 2561 Treatment and coating of metals
- 261 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
- 325 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
- 332 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- 4690 Non-specialised wholesale trade
- 471 Retail sale in non-specialised stores
- 4726 Retail sale of tobacco products in specialised stores
- 4778 Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores
- 5590 Other accommodation
- 5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- 7219 Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
More information available only to members of Confederation
If the shown information are not up-to-date, please, contact the member database administrator using e-mail at: lcechova@spcr.cz