Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, a.s.
Kovohutě 530
Příbram VI-Březové Hory
261 01 Příbram
49°42'26.454"N, 13°58'58.821"E
Příbram VI-Březové Hory
261 01 Příbram
49°42'26.454"N, 13°58'58.821"E
Reg. ID: 27118100
VAT ID: CZ27118100
VAT ID: CZ27118100
Membership Of Association
Czech Waste Management Association
Automotive Industry Association - AIA CR
Classification CZ-NACE
- 2443 Lead, zinc and tin production
- 201 Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
- 2453 Casting of light metals
- 254 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
- 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
- 682 Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
- 6920 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
More information available only to members of Confederation
If the shown information are not up-to-date, please, contact the member database administrator using e-mail at: lcechova@spcr.cz