G4S Secure Solutions (CZ), a.s.

Vyskočilova 1422/1a
140 00 Praha
50°6'38.952"N, 14°27'53.280"E
140 00 Praha
50°6'38.952"N, 14°27'53.280"E
Reg. ID: 00175439
VAT ID: CZ00175439
VAT ID: CZ00175439
Membership Of Association
Security Club
Classification CZ-NACE
- 801 Private security activities
- 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
- 263 Manufacture of communication equipment
- 2712 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus
- 4321 Electrical installation
- 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- 5590 Other accommodation
- 5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- 61 Telecommunications
- 620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- 6832 Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis
- 711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- 74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
- 812 Cleaning activities
- 931 Sports activities
More information available only to members of Confederation
If the shown information are not up-to-date, please, contact the member database administrator using e-mail at: lcechova@spcr.cz