Association of Engineering Technology - SST
- Basic Information
- Member List

The Association 'SST' unify overwhelming majority of producers of crucial branches of engineering industry, producing more than 90 % of the total producing capacity of metal cutting and metal forming machines in the Czech Republic. The Association 'SST' was established in 1990 to protect and promote mutual interests of members, to co-ordinate their interests and to cultivate mutual understanding and co-operation between the Government bodies and industry. Since 1996 the Association 'SST' is member of the prestigious Association of European Producers of Machine Tool - CECIMO, where is playing an active role in their special committees, process and evaluates statistical data relating to the machine tool industry in the Czech Republic. The 'SST' secures the mediatory service for producers and suppliers of engineering technique in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic, especially services related to international trade fairs and special exhibitions of metal cutting and metal forming machines, like EMO Hannover or EMO Milano. The Association 'SST' is acting as an co-organiser of the International Exhibition of Machine Tool - 'IMT' and of the International Engineering Fair - 'MSV' in Brno, Czech Republic. The Association 'SST' issues information circulars to members on a regular basis, publishes a house journal 'SST' [The World of Engineering Technique] and collaborates with editors of professional magazines and journals both in the Czech Republic and abroad, to promote all 'SST' members.
Politických vězňů 1419/11
Nové Město
110 00 Praha
50.0827419N, 14.4296361E
Nové Město
110 00 Praha
50.0827419N, 14.4296361E
Reg. ID: 00548871
VAT ID: CZ00548871
VAT ID: CZ00548871
More information available only to members of Confederation
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