Association of the Czech Pulp and Paper Industry
- Basic Information
- Member List

The association of producers, converters and merchants in the field of pulp, paper, board and paper based products. Represents its members at negotiations with trade unions, the government and international organizations. It organises common interests and representation for its members through the working groups (statistics and information, ecology, education, environment, recycling, finance and collective bargaining with trade unions). The SPPaC is a member of the SP CR - Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic (since 1994), an associate member of CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries (since 1997), which joins 19 European countries.
U Uranie 954/18
170 00 Praha
50.1075258N, 14.4509397E
170 00 Praha
50.1075258N, 14.4509397E
Reg. ID: 00570648
VAT ID: CZ00570648
VAT ID: CZ00570648
Classification CZ-NACE
More information available only to members of Confederation
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