Transport Union of the Czech Republic
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The Transport Union (formerly known as the Union of Employers and Businesses in Transport) was founded after 1989 at a time when the new political and economic situation in the country called for the establishment of an organisation of transport employers and businesses that would defend the interests of its members during the period of transformation.
The Union came into being as an independent, voluntary, non-political, open, interest-related organisation. This organisation unites employers and business entities that operate in all basic and related branches of transport.
At the beginning of 1994, the Union united with the Industrial Union of the Czech Republic, which is an umbrella organisation that covers all branches of industry and which pays attention to the predominant part of the major business entities. This new grouping took on the name of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic and is the strongest business union in the country. It covers more than 25 business unions and has a membership base of some 1.3 million workers. The Transport Union is the largest of these unions. The President of the Transport Union is also the Vice-President of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic.
Organisation-wise, the Union is divided into ten specialised sections. A Chairman sits at the head of these sections. This Chairman is also a member of the General Management of the Union. The membership organisations of the Union have the option of joining up to work as more than one section.
In total, the Transport Union of the Czech Republic unites 143 business entities that are involved in transport and that provide employment for more than 140 thousand workers.
The Union came into being as an independent, voluntary, non-political, open, interest-related organisation. This organisation unites employers and business entities that operate in all basic and related branches of transport.
At the beginning of 1994, the Union united with the Industrial Union of the Czech Republic, which is an umbrella organisation that covers all branches of industry and which pays attention to the predominant part of the major business entities. This new grouping took on the name of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic and is the strongest business union in the country. It covers more than 25 business unions and has a membership base of some 1.3 million workers. The Transport Union is the largest of these unions. The President of the Transport Union is also the Vice-President of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic.
Organisation-wise, the Union is divided into ten specialised sections. A Chairman sits at the head of these sections. This Chairman is also a member of the General Management of the Union. The membership organisations of the Union have the option of joining up to work as more than one section.
In total, the Transport Union of the Czech Republic unites 143 business entities that are involved in transport and that provide employment for more than 140 thousand workers.
Dlážděná 1003/7
Nové Město
110 00 Praha
50.0869947N, 14.4320972E
Nové Město
110 00 Praha
50.0869947N, 14.4320972E
Reg. ID: 61381705
Classification CZ-NACE
More information available only to members of Confederation
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