STS Prachatice, a.s.

383 01 Těšovice
49.0443281N, 14.0222817E
383 01 Těšovice
49.0443281N, 14.0222817E
Reg. ID: 60826983
VAT ID: CZ60826983
VAT ID: CZ60826983
Membership Of Association
Agricultural and Forestry Machinery Association
Classification CZ-NACE
- 2822 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- 2562 Machining
- 2572 Manufacture of locks and hinges
- 281 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
- 2899 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.
- 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- 4941 Freight transport by road
- 7120 Technical testing and analysis
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