BAEST Machinery Holding, a.s.

Černoleská 1930
256 01 Benešov
49°46'7.464"N, 14°41'49.291"E
256 01 Benešov
49°46'7.464"N, 14°41'49.291"E
Reg. ID: 45796360
VAT ID: CZ45796360
VAT ID: CZ45796360
Membership Of Association
Association of Chemical Industry
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Classification CZ-NACE
- 43210 Elektrické instalace
- 35140 Obchod s elektřinou
- 28220 Výroba zdvihacích a manipulačních zařízení
- 25620 Obrábění
- 25300 Výroba parních kotlů, kromě kotlů pro ústřední topení
- 952 Repair of personal and household goods
- 772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods
- 712 Technical testing and analysis
- 7112 Engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- 559 Other accommodation
- 469 Non-specialised wholesale trade
- 4120 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
- 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
- 331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
- 257 Manufacture of cutlery, tools and general hardware
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