delicado kingdom, s. r. o.
Chudenická 1059/30
102 00 Praha
102 00 Praha
Reg. ID: 03607143
VAT ID: CZ03607143
VAT ID: CZ03607143
Membership Of Association
Association of E-commerce
Classification CZ-NACE
- 90040 Provozování kulturních zařízení
- 74200 Fotografické činnosti
- 46900 Nespecializovaný velkoobchod
- 952 Repair of personal and household goods
- 772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods
- 731 Advertising
- 702 Management consultancy activities
- 620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- 461 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- 10 Manufacture of food products
More information available only to members of Confederation
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