TESCOMA s.r.o.
U Tescomy 241
760 01 Zlín
760 01 Zlín
Reg. ID: 46981691
VAT ID: CZ46981691
VAT ID: CZ46981691
Membership Of Association
Association of E-commerce
Classification CZ-NACE
- 71110 Architektonické činnosti
- 46900 Nespecializovaný velkoobchod
- 27110 Výroba elektrických motorů, generátorů a transformátorů
- 25720 Výroba zámků a kování
- 9604 Physical well-being activities
- 952 Repair of personal and household goods
- 74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
- 59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
- 4120 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
More information available only to members of Confederation
If the shown information are not up-to-date, please, contact the member database administrator using e-mail at: lcechova@spcr.cz