EU agreed on the new targets for renewables for 2030

After long discussions, the European Union found a compromise on the final text of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). The outcomes will bring another pressure for development of renewables what means additional costs for both industry and consumers.

Nowadays, the share of renewables in the final energy consumption oscillates slightly under 15 % in the Czech Republic. However, the annual costs paid as a subsidy for these sources exceeds CZK 40 bln. CZK (cca EUR 1,7 bln.). The revised text of RED sets an EU-target in the level of 32 %. The specific national share for the Czech Republic is expected to be significantly lower than 32 %, however, the value above 20 % might be a reasonable guess.

Going beyond the present values will cause higher costs paid for subsidization of renewables. The Confederation of Industry constantly supports the development of modern technologies in energy, however, every additional financial support must be assessed in the face of financial and social consequences it might bring for consumers. The agreed target regarding the renewables is expected to cost the Czech entitites plenty of billions EUR in the next decade.

Tereza Řezníčková
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