Czech Lime Association

The Association organizes legal entities involved in burnt lime, crashed and ground limestone in the Czech Republic territory.
The Association is a legal entity with its right, obligations and force, as are defined for the Association, its bodies and members in accord with law by appropriate agreement and articles.
The Association aim resides in union of listed below activities and means for the benefit and common weal of the association members and organization and support of cooperation and assistance - inland and abroad as well.
The Association target lies also in promotion of common and individual interests of the Association members and protection of their rightful interests against state authorities.
K cementárně 1261/25
153 00 Praha
49.9939217N, 14.3414708E
Reg. ID: 49277146
VAT ID: CZ49277146
Phone: +420 606 281 477
Fax: +420 257 910 075

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