BIAC and OECD stressed investment

The BIAC is calling for reform that will unlock the potential of the private sector as a driving force of the growth.

In Paris, a regular exchange of opinions and positions between the delegation of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC) and the OECD secretary general Angel Gurría, OECD committees and permanent missions of the member countries to the OECD‘s representation has taken place on 19th January 2015. Its aim was to evaluate the economic situation from the point of view of the global business and define the priorities of the entrepreneurial community.

Economies rely on private sector business activities and competitive markets. With the right conditions in place, business can be a dynamic force for the success of our economies and the wellbeing of citizens, investing in people, jobs, technologies and infrastructures, serving billions of consumers daily, and paying taxes that supply government spending and support public services.

The BIAC is welcoming the fact that June 2015 OECD Week comprising the OECD forum, a ministerial conference and other accompanying events will emphasize strong economic topics as investment, innovation and entrepreneurial environment’s development.

The BIAC president Phil O’Reily has evaluated the contemporary economic situation as a mix of partial successes and new risks. He has presented a BIAC statement “Investment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Growth Agenda for 2015 (and beyond)”.

To the OECD secretary general Angel Gurría, the OECD Secretariat and the permanent missions of the member countries to the OECD‘ delegations, the BIAC has addressed three main recommendations:

-          Address protectionism in global markets and build the enabling environment for investment, at local levels and across borders

-          Deliver advice for integrated policies across sectors that foster innovation and support sustainable growth and employment in the digital economy

-          Establish better understanding of the potential of SMEs and entrepreneurship, with due focus on skills development, labor conditions, financing, and women’s entrepreneurship

The BIAC statement “Investment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Growth Agenda for 2015 (and beyond)”

section BIAC