Confederation calls China to invest into the Czech Republic

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery & Electronic Products (CCCME) have organized a business and investment forum, on Friday 23rd May, to discuss the possibilities of mutual cooperation.

The Vice President of the Confederation of Industry Stanislav Kázecký called upon the CCCME and the representatives of the Chinese companies to invest in the Czech Republic. As a suitable site for doing business, he mentioned the Moravian-Silesian region which creates more than ten percent of the Czech GDP.

„The volume of the Czech-Chinese commerce is evidently growing over the past several years,“ Kázecký said. „In 2000, the  trade exchange turnover was 756,5 million USD. In the last year it amounted to 17,4 billion USD. It’s not just the matter of doing business. We want to strengthen the mutual investment and to intensify and simplify our trade relations.“

The Confederation of Industry is putting pressure on Czech politicians in the long term to straighten out economic relations with China.

„Our mutual relations have entered a new phase,“ Kázecký added. „There is a presidential visit to China planned for the autumn, and in the spring of 2015, the Czech Prime Minister should come to Beijing.“

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně