Confederation’s head met prime minister on tripartite

The president of the Confederation of Industry Jaroslav Hanák has met the Czech prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka to discuss the level of the social dialogue among the employers‘ representatives, government and trade unions, on Wednesday 17th December.

„I appreciate the approach of the Czech government to the social dialogue,“ Hanák said. „I would even dare to say that, regardless of the differences in opinion, it is the best cooperation between the social partners for several years.“

As Hanák stressed, the government has tried to listen to the demands of the Czech businessmen and has been accepting the reasoning of the employers‘ representatives. A good example of it is the governmental Action Plan to promote growth and job creation.

„In comparison to many other countries and vis-à-vis to the many actual problems, we are an oasis of economic and political peace,“ Hanák said.

This year, the tripartite has met ten times.  In the next year, the Council of Economic and Social Agreement will have to solve a series of important task as the official raw material politics or the electronic record of the sales‘ introduction. The first meeting of the tripartite will be organized on Monday 2nd January 2015.

In the meeting at the the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, the president of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions Josef Středula took part as well.

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně