Industry raised 7,3 percent in December

The December 2014 data have confirmed the industry‘s strong position in the Czech economy and have brought about positive results as the value of the industrial production raised 7,3 percent in year-over-year comparison (working days adjusted data showed a 4,7-percent rise).

The industry’s results have been one of the dominant factors in the economy’s revival. The growth’s value has slightly overcome the expectations for many months and the final result lies near the 5-percent level.

After a November drop in some branches, positive values have been registered in most sectors. As a growth’s driving force, the motor vehicles production (a 13-percent rise), the electronic and optical devices production (a 18,1-percent rise) and the machinery stand out.  

Stabilization across most of the branches and positive values have represented an outstanding phenomenon of the whole year 2014. The only exception has been the energy production and distribution, wood processing, clothes production and mining.

Promising data have been registered in the foreign trade as the value of the export raised 10 percent in December and 12,7 in 2014 as a whole, and thus, the Czech companies have confirmed their capacity to gain new contracts on the international market. On the other hand, the value of the imported goods increased 11,4 percent in 2014.

The year 2014 has created a solid base for the 2015 expectations. The most important, in this respect, is the signed contracts‘ value and the market development. The December contracts‘ value of 12 percent was the best one in the last quarter of the year, indicating a promising development for the beginning of the new year.

These positive expectations have been confirmed by other indicators, including a survey organized by the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně