Czech industry in good condition

The promising numbers have been awaited, the Confederation’s analyst Bohuslav Čížek said.

The data on industrial production, published on Thursday 7th May by the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ), have confirmed the good condition of the Czech industry. In March 2015, the industrial production raised 6,2 percent interannualy.

„There has been no surprise,“ Čížek stated. „We have been awaiting such data.“

The working day adjusted data show that the production increase made 3,5 percent. Although March had one working day more than the previous month, the seasonally adjusted industrial production value dropped slightly by 0,3 percent month-over-month.

„There are a lot of risk factors that could influence the actual development, the final figures could be, nevertheless, considered as promising, and they confirm the continuous recovery,“ Čížek stressed.

Interanually, the industrial production raised 4,6 percent in the first quarter of the year. Industrial sales raised 4,4 percent during the first three months of 2015 and the industrial companies‘ export sales increased 6,7 percent in year-over-year comparison. The number of employees of the larger companies and their wages raised several percent as well.

The industrial production is rising continuously in the Czech Republic this year. In January it made up 2,8 and in February 4,5 percent.

The Czech industry is benefitting from the recovery in the eurozone and the low oil prices. Positive, although fading away has been the Czech crown‘s weaking as well. Last but not least, the recovering domestic demand has exercised some influence on the Czech economy.

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně