Ten BIAC priorities for small and medium-sized enterprises

The OECD is developing a proactive multi-point work program to help the SME.

In coordination with its member countries, the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC) has identified ten priorities for the horizontal activities with the aim to help the OECD to formulate recommendations to the individual governments in such a manner that all companies, regardless of their size, would be able to successfully operate on the global markets.

An intelligent and well-timed policy could help to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) as well as to the businessmen to overcome obstacles and guarantee prosperity. To help to the SME to grow, the OECD is developing a proactivemulti-point work program. In this manner, the organization can promote the dialogue between the governments and the private sector.

The BIAC priorities for SME growth-oriented policy:

1. Calibrate the burden of regulation and encourage good governance

2. Develop a pro-entrepreneurial tax system

3. Nurture a culture of innovation

4. Promote job market flexibility

5. Improve access to finance

6. Facilitate access to international markets

7. Encourage horizontal collaboration and sustainable business practices

8. Increase participation in the digital economy

9. Boost access to training and education opportunities

10. Identify and encourage potential entrepreneurs

The recent OECD studies have shown that the SME represent a vital resource of economic growth. In the OECD countries, they represent 99 percent of all companies and create 50-75 percent of the value added. The entrepreneurs on the international markets are facing an increasingly powerful competition, they have to orient themselves in a broad complex of regulatory regimes, guarantee the financial resources and process a large amount of information, and all this often with very limited resources.

The BIAC priorities for SME growth-oriented policy

Radim Klekner
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