Czech industry grew 8,1 percent in June

The expectations have been confirmed, the growth rate was very satisfying.

The value of the industrial production's growth (8,1 percent, in working day adjusted data as 5,5%) represents, in the interannual comparison, more than a satisfactory result for the first six months of 2015, the Confederation of Industry's analyst Bohuslav Čížek wrote. In month-over-month comparison, the seasonally adjusted industrial production grew by 1 percent.

As hopeful has been perceived the many branches return to the positive values. The May's drop was rather a month-over-month swing. Besides the traditional driving force of the Czech industrial production, namely the motocar production (interannual growth 16 percent), which preserves its dominant position within the manufacturing industry, the machinery production (15 percent) and the rubber and plastics materials production (12,9 percent) grew more significantly as well.

The negative values have been registered only in the print and recording carrier's reproduction branch as well as in the other transport facilities and equipment branch where it represents very probably only a month-over-month swing because the value of contracts grew 36 percent interannually.

Another positive traits are the value (10,3%) as well as the structure of the new contracts growth (domestic at 11,4%, foreign at 9,7%). More than ten-percent-growth has been registered in the machinery and electrical equipment production.

Our survey from the end of June indicates that the growth of the contracts will continue in the second half of the year as well.

The positive expectations have been confirmed by the July's conjectural surveys of the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ) as well as by the Purchasing Mangers' Index (PMI)

The growth of the Czech economy is linked to both the domestic and foreign demand as the results of the foreign trade have shown where both the export and import grew by more than ten percent.

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně