Czech companies offer more benefits to the employees

In evaluating their economic situation, the Czech companies are rather optimistic.

The Czech economy goes well and this fact is reflected in the benefits package that the Czech companies offer to their employees. There are twelve such benefits on the average, two more than in the previous year.

The most common benefits offered today are, for the third time in a row, the mobile phone which figures in the benefits package of 88 percent of Czech companies and the financial contribution to the education funding (83 percent of companies) which is, in the long-term, the most dynamic benefit.

The largest rise, in the year-over-year comparison, has been registered in the financial contribution to the life insurance and pension insurance (eleven-percent, respectively nine-percent increase). To one employee, the Czech companies give on the average 10-15 thousand CZK (370-555 euros) per year. These are the results of the traditional survey of employees' benefits organized by the NN Life and NN Pension insurance company in collaboration with the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.

In evaluating their economic situation, the Czech companies are rather optimistic. At least 39 percent of them said that it is better than in the previous year.

„Especially in the last months, we have registered a significant rise of the growth dynamics in the industry and the whole economy as well," Confederation's vice-president Radek Špicar pointed out. „A good news is the fact that the improving economic condition of our companies is reflected in the need to hire new employees and to retain them by both the wage rise and benefits."

The scale of benefits is influenced by the company's size. „The small companies with less than 50 employees offer nine different benefits on the average, the larger companies with at least 250 employees offer up to 13 benefits," the NN Life and NN Pension insurance company's trade director general Tomáš Nidetzký explains.

Radim Klekner
section Aktuálně