Warning of fraudulent e-mails
Dear partners and members of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic,
Yesterday we noticed that some of you received an e-mail that looks like an e-mail from President Hanák.
E-mail has subject: "Message from the President/COVID-19 Update" and starts with text: "The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic has an important letter for your company about the Impact of COVID-19 on trade transportation together with an updated member terms of agreement."
In the text are links that allegedly link to our website, but in fact they refer to the tobro (dot) com server that we have nothing to do with. Probably it is a Phishing. E-mails are sent from a foreign server that has nothing to do with the Confederation of Industry. If you receive such an email, we strongly recommend deleting it and not clicking on any link.
Thank you for your understanding.
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
section SPČR