Tendr na 20 hydraulických lopat do Indie
Společnost Coal India Limited podle zadávacího řízení zve k předložení nabídky na dodávku, instalaci a uvedení do provozu 20 hydraulických čelních lopat.
Coal India Limited has invited offers for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 20 CuM Electric Hydraulic Face Shovels as per the attached tender document.
Prospective vendors may submit their offers through the following online portal - https://coalindiatenders.nic.in. The last date for submission of offers is 7th June, 2021.
The above tender document is also available in Coal India Portal (www.coalindia.in), CPPP (https:/eprocure.gov.in) and Coal India Tender Portal (https://coalindiatenders.nic.in).
The Embassy of India in Prague asked to disseminate the information to the concerned industrial bodies/associations and establishments in order to encourage wider participation from potential bidders from the Czech Republic.
- Sabina Tančevová
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kategorie Poptávky, tendry