Turecko zavedlo dodatečná cla na zboží s původem mimo EU

Turecko dne 21. dubna zavedlo dodatečná cla na dovoz zboží, které pochází ze zemí mimo Evropskou unii a ze zemí, které nemají s Tureckem uzavřenou dohodu o volném obchodu (FTA). Při exportu zboží do této země je tedy zásadní se prokázat certifikátem o původu zboží A.TR. Dodatečným tarifům se budou moci firmy vyhnout i u zboží s diagonální kumulací původu. I zde je však nutné původ zboží náležitě deklarovat.

Nové tarify se vztahují na několik kategorií zboží jako výrobky z oceli, umělé hmoty, lepidla, řezací stroje a hydraulické lisy, ale i na náramkové hodinky a herní videokonzole. Cla se pohybují ve výši od 5 do 50% s platností ve dvou obdobích (do 30. září a od 1. října 2020). V druhé fází se většina tarifů sníží na polovinu či více. Níže přinášímě detailní ropzis a další podrobnosti v angličtině:

Product group / industry 18 April 2020 – 30 September 2020 1 October 2020 onwards
Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives 30% 10%
Plastics 26-40% 8-10%
Iron-steel products, e.g., screws and bolts 30% 10%
Fans, cutting machines, hydraulic presses 14-20% 7.7-20%
Electrical machinery 7.1-20% 5-7.5%
Certain multimeters 5.8% 5.8%
Wristwatches, pocket watches, others 45% 25%
Video game consoles, festivity articles, etc. 35-50% 10-20%
Buttons, press-fasteners 46-50% 10%

 On April 18, 2020, Presidential Decree No. 2424, promulgated in the Official Gazette has introduced new Additional Customs Duties (ACD). The rate of duties ranges from 5% to 50% and they will be applied on various products, mainly on certain plastics, electronic products, iron-steel products, sports goods and machinery. ACD rates listed in Annex-1 to the Decree will be applied as of April 18, 2020 to September 30, 2020; while the additional duty rates in Annex-2 will be applied from October 1, 2020. 

 Via Presidential Decrees No. 2425, 2429, and 2430, issued on April 18-21, 2020, the rate of additional customs duties which are currently in force have been amended. Most notably, via Decree No. 2425, the additional customs duty rate calculation method for textile products, which depended on the value and weight of those goods, have been removed and instead a fixed rate has been introduced for these products. Furthermore, more than 20 ACD Decrees have been amended by Decrees No. 2429 and 2430, and these amendments on ACD rates will be in force till September 30, 2020 (inclusive).

In Annexed Lists to the ACD Decrees, which indicate the ACD rates to be collected, ACD rate is 0% for goods which originate in EU and in Free Trade Agreement countries. EU origin goods must be imported along with an A.TR movement certificate. Diagonal origin cumulation countries are also included for this 0% ACD rate. In these cases, submission of correct origin certificate is critical.

Lastly, via Decree No. 2423, the rate of customs duties has been increased by 5% which are applied on importation of a number of iron-steel products from GSP countries and “Other Countries”, i.e. those Turkey does not have a preferential trade. This increase in customs duties will be in effect until July 15, 2020 (inclusive).

Zdroj: TUSIAD, taxnews.ey.com


Tomáš Hodač
kategorie Informace z teritoria